Kitsap Peninsula National WaterTrails (KPNWT) offer residents and visitors year-round access to enjoy water-related activities; from kayaking around bays and coves to sailing around the entire Kitsap Peninsula. On May 2014, the KPNWT was designated by the US Department of Interior part of the National Water Trails System, the first in WA State and the only natural, saltwater trail in the USA. Today, the 371 miles of shoreline that encompass the KPNWT is a major attraction for a variety of water-related activities – kayaking, SUP, boating, scuba diving, fishing, wildlife viewing and leisure strolls along pubic piers and beaches. Use the links above to learn more about the KPNWT and new KPNWT Inter-Active Map with links to help you explore and enjoy the Kitsap Peninsula National Water Trails!
Welcome to the Kitsap Peninsula National Water TrailsKPNWT2023-07-25T15:27:53-07:00